English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word jewelweed

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(snapweed; balsam; impatiens; touch‐me‐not; noli‐me‐tangere)
(touch‐me‐not balsam; touch‐me‐not; yellow balsam; wild balsam; Western touch‐me‐not)
balsamine des bois
impatiente ne‐me‐touchez‐pas
flava balzamino
common jewelweed
(orange jewelweed; spotted jewelweed; spotted touch‐me‐not; orange balsam)
impatiente du Cap
garden jewelweed
(spotted snapweed; garden balsam; rose balsam; touch‐me‐not)
balsamine des jardins
orange jewelweed
(common jewelweed; spotted jewelweed; spotted touch‐me‐not; orange balsam)
impatiente du Cap
ornamental jewelweed
(Himalayan balsam; policeman’s helmet; Indian touch‐me‐not)
balsamine de l’Himalaya
balsamine glanduleuse
impatiente de l’Himalaya
impatiente glanduleuse
pale jewelweed
(pale touch‐me‐not; yellow jewelweed)
impatiente pâle
spotted jewelweed
(orange jewelweed; common jewelweed; spotted touch‐me‐not; orange balsam)
impatiente du Cap
yellow jewelweed
(pale jewelweed; pale touch‐me‐not)
impatiente pâle

jewelweed balsamine; impatiente
common jewelweed impatiente du Cap
garden jewelweed balsamine des jardins
orange jewelweed impatiente du Cap
ornamental jewelweed balsamine de l’Himalaya; balsamine glanduleuse; impatiente de l’Himalaya; impatiente glanduleuse
pale jewelweed impatiente pâle
spotted jewelweed impatiente du Cap
yellow jewelweed impatiente pâle