English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word long‐tailed

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Most of this length was made up by the long slender tail.
(a long time; for a long time)
🔗 This will be a day long remembered.
(long for; yearn; ache; ache for)
aspirer à
long‐tailed cormorant
(reed cormorant)
cormoran africain
cormoran à longue queue
cormoran d’Afrique
cormoran pygmée africain
long‐tailed duck
harelde boréale
harelde cacaoui
harelde de Miquelon
harelde du Nord
long‐tailed mocking‐bird
moqueur à longue queue
longvosta mokturdo
(backside; rump; bottom; hindquarters; posterior; rear; behind)

long‐tailed cormorant cormoran africain; cormoran à longue queue; cormoran d’Afrique; cormoran pygmée africain
long‐tailed duck harelde boréale; harelde cacaoui; harelde de Miquelon; harelde du Nord
long‐tailed mocking‐bird moqueur à longue queue
tail queue

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