English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word swamp

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(marsh; bog; wetland; fen; marshland; morass; quag; quagmire; slough)
🔗 When I first came here, this was all swamp.
(flood; overwhelm)
swamp blueberry
(northern highbush blueberry; blue huckleberry; tall huckleberry; swamp huckleberry; high huckleberry; high blueberry)
grande myrtille
myrtille américaine
myrtille arbustive
swamp cabbage
(water spinach; river spinach; water morning glory; water convolvulus; Chinese convolvulus)
liseron d’eau
swamp cabbage
(skunk cabbage; eastern skunk cabbage; clumpfoot cabbage; meadow cabbage; fetid pothos; polecat weed)
chou puant
symplocarpe fétide
fetora simplokarpo
swamp huckleberry
(northern highbush blueberry; blue huckleberry; tall huckleberry; high huckleberry; high blueberry; swamp blueberry)
grande myrtille
myrtille américaine
myrtille arbustive
swamp maple
(red maple)
érable rouge
(northern white cedar; white cedar; eastern white cedar; eastern arbor‐vitae; yellow cedar; false white cedar; American arbor‐vitae)
thuya du Canada
thuya occidental
okcidenta tujo

swamp blueberry bleuet en corymbes; bleuet géant; corymbelle; grande myrtille; myrtille américaine; myrtille arbustive
swamp cabbage chou puant; liseron d’eau; symplocarpe fétide
swamp huckleberry bleuet en corymbes; bleuet géant; corymbelle; grande myrtille; myrtille américaine; myrtille arbustive
swamp maple plaine; plaine rouge; érable de Virginie; érable rouge
swamp‐cedar cèdre blanc du Canada; thuya du Canada; thuya occidental