English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word wild

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(savage; ferocious; rampant)
(crazy; insane; mad; nuts; barmy; lunatic; wacky; bonkers);
; ;
(furious; ferocious; frenetic; frenzied; wrathful)
wild apricot
(maypop; purple passion‐flower; true passion‐flower; wild passion vine)
passiflore officinale
wild arum
(cuckoo‐pint; jack‐in‐the‐pulpit; lords‐and‐ladies; Adam and Eve; adder’s root; arum; arum lily; bobbins; cows and bulls; cuckoo‐plant; devils and angels; friar’s cowl; naked boys; snake’s head; starch‐root; wake‐robin)
arum tacheté
gouet tacheté
wild buckwheat
(black bindweed; bind‐corn; climbing buckwheat; corn bindweed; devil’s tether)
renouée faux liseron
wild chamomile
(pineapple weed; disc mayweed)
matricaire odorante
matricaire sans ligules
diska matrikario
wild chamomile
(chamomile; Italian chamomile; German chamomile; Hungarian chamomile; scented mayweed)
matricaire camomille
petite camomille
wild charlock
(wild radish; jointed charlock; jointed radish)
radis ravenelle
radis sauvage
wild date‐palm
(silver date‐palm; sugar date‐palm; Indian date‐palm)
dattier indien
arbara fenikso
wild egg‐plant
(devil’s‐fig; turkey berry; prickly nightshade; shoo‐shoo bush; pea egg‐plant; pea aubergine)
aubergine pois
pikilhava solano
wild flax
(common toadflax; yellow toadflax; bridewort; butter haycocks; bread and butter; flaxweed; monkey‐flower)
linaire commune
linaire sauvage
linaire vulgaire
ordinara linario
wild gourd
(colocynth; colocynth apple; bitter apple; bitter‐cucumber; desert gourd; vine of Sodom)
wild marigold
(field marigold)
souci des champs
souci sauvage
wild marjoram
marjolaine sauvage
marjolaine vivace
origan commun
ordinara origano
wild mint
(field mint; corn mint)
menthe des champs
wild pansy
(pansy; heart’s‐ease; heart’s delight; tickle‐my‐fancy; Jack‐jump‐up‐and‐kiss‐me; come‐and‐cuddle‐me; three faces in a hood; love‐in‐idleness)
pensée sauvage
pensée tricolore
wild parsnip
(giant hogweed; cart‐wheel flower; giant cow parsnip; hogsbane; giant cow parsley)
berce de Mantegazzi
berce du Caucase
wild passion vine
(maypop; purple passion‐flower; true passion‐flower)
passiflore officinale
wild pigeon
(passenger pigeon)
colombe voyageuse
pigeon migrateur
tourte voyageuse
migra kolombo
wild privet
(European privet; common privet)
troène commun
wild radish
(wild charlock; jointed charlock; jointed radish)
radis ravenelle
radis sauvage
wild rhubarb
(lesser burdock; burrweed; louse‐burr; common burdock; button‐burr; cuckoo‐button)
petite bardane
wild rhubarb
(giant hogweed; cart‐wheel flower; giant cow parsnip; hogsbane; giant cow parsley)
berce de Mantegazzi
berce du Caucase
wild snapdragon
(common toadflax; yellow toadflax; bridewort; butter haycocks; bread and butter; flaxweed; monkey‐flower)
linaire commune
linaire sauvage
linaire vulgaire
ordinara linario
wild strawberry
(woodland strawberry; European strawberry)
fraisier des bois
wild tobacco
(common toadflax; yellow toadflax; bridewort; butter haycocks; bread and butter; flaxweed; monkey‐flower)
linaire commune
linaire sauvage
linaire vulgaire
ordinara linario
wild tulip
(woodland tulip)
tulipe des bois
tulipe sauvage
wild wormwood
(mugwort; common mugwort)
armoise citronelle
armoise commune
(desert; waste; wasteland)

wild apricot liane de grenade; passiflore officinale
wild arum arum tacheté; chandelle; gouet tacheté; manteau de la Sainte‐Vierge; pied‐de‐veau; pilette; vachotte
wild buckwheat renouée faux liseron
wild chamomile camomille allemande; camomille vraie; matricaire camomille; matricaire odorante; matricaire sans ligules; matricaire tronquée; petite camomille
wild charlock radis ravenelle; radis sauvage; ravenelle
wild date‐palm dattier indien
wild egg‐plant aubergine pois; mélongène‐diable
wild flax linaire commune; linaire sauvage; linaire vulgaire
wild gourd coloquinte
wild marigold fleur de tous les mois; gauchefer; souci des champs; souci des vignes; souci sauvage
wild mint menthe des champs
wild pansy pensée sauvage; pensée tricolore
wild parsnip berce de Mantegazzi; berce du Caucase
wild passion vine liane de grenade; passiflore officinale
wild pigeon colombe voyageuse; pigeon migrateur; tourte voyageuse
wild privet troène commun
wild radish radis ravenelle; radis sauvage; ravenelle
wild rhubarb bardane à petite capitule; bardane à petite tête; berce de Mantegazzi; berce du Caucase; lampourde; petite bardane
wild snapdragon linaire commune; linaire sauvage; linaire vulgaire
wild strawberry fraisier des bois
wild tobacco linaire commune; linaire sauvage; linaire vulgaire
wild tulip tulipe des bois; tulipe sauvage
wild wormwood armoise citronelle; armoise commune