English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word intent

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(aim; goal; purpose; target; butt; end; objective; destination; object);
(intention; plan);
🔗 I don’t know my father’s intent.
(mean; plan; propose; plan on)
🔗 That is what I intend to do.
(plan; intent);
🔗 The US has observed Ukrainian forces achieve some success in attacking Russian supply lines, with the intention of cutting off and isolating Russian troops currently deployed west of the Dnipro river, according to a senior US official.
(attentively; closely)
🔗 Why do you watch me so intently?

intent Absicht; Vorsatz
be intent on fest enschlossen sein zu
be intent on doing something fest entschlossen sein, ewas zu tun
to all intents and purposes präktisch
intend beabsichtigen; gedenken; vorhaben
intention Absicht; Tendenz; Vorhaben; Vorsatz
intently konzentriert