English–Russian dictionary

Russian translation of the English word Armenian grape hyacinth

English → Russian
EnglishRussian (translated indirectly)Esperanto
Armenian grape hyacinth
(garden grape hyacinth)
гадючий лук армянский
мускари армянский
мышиный гиацинт армянский
armena muskario
🔗 The region is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan but controlled by ethnic Armenians.
🔗 Canada and Mexico have already announced retaliatory tariffs on US aluminum and steel, beef, pork, coffee products, plywood, candy, cheeses, apples, grapes and other goods.

Armenian grape hyacinth гадючий лук армянский; мускари армянский; мышиный гиацинт армянский
Armenian армянин; армянский
hyacinth гиацинт