English–Russian dictionary

Russian translation of the English word Persian

English → Russian
EnglishRussian (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Oh, I’ve chosen my words carefully, Persian.
Persian cypress
(Mediterranean cypress; pencil pine)
кипарис вечнозелёный
mediteranea cipreso
Персидский залив
🔗 In the early period it was the name of a small territory in southern Babylonia extending along the northern and probably also the western shores of the Persian Gulf.
Persian lilac
(china‐berry; china‐berry tree; bead‐tree; syringa berry tree; pride of India)
Persian poppy
(Iranian poppy; great scarlet poppy)
мак прицветниковый
Persian speedwell
(birdeye speedwell; common field speedwell; large field speedwell; bird’s‐eye; winter speedwell)
вероника персидская
Persian tobacco
(winged tobacco; jasmine tobacco; sweet tobacco)
табак декоративный
табак крылатый
(English walnut; common walnut)
волошский орех
греческий орех
орех грецкий
царский орех
🔗 Black walnut is more resistant to frost than the English or Persian walnut, but thrives best in the warmer regions of fertile, lowland soils with high water tables.

Persian перс; персидский; персиянин
Persian cypress кипарис вечнозелёный
Persian lilac клокочина
Persian poppy мак прицветниковый
Persian speedwell вероника персидская
Persian tobacco табак декоративный; табак крылатый
Persian walnut волошский орех; греческий орех; орех грецкий; царский орех
Persia Персия