English–Russian dictionary

Russian translation of the English word jack

English → Russian
EnglishRussian (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(daw; jackdaw; western jackdaw; Eurasian jackdaw; European jackdaw; chough)
(northern scrub pine; grey pine; Banksian pine; Hudson Bay pine; Banks pine; princess pine; eastern jack pine)
сосна Банкса
🔗 Fire stimulates release and germination of seeds of the jack pine, and also enriches the forest floor with wood ash and removes competing vegetation.
(meadow salsify; showy goat’s beard; meadow goat’s beard)
козлобородник луговой
(pansy; heart’s‐ease; heart’s delight; tickle‐my‐fancy; come‐and‐cuddle‐me; three faces in a hood; love‐in‐idleness; wild pansy)
анютны глазки
фиалка трёхцветная

jack галка
jack pine сосна Банкса
Jack‐go‐to‐bed‐at‐noon козлобородник луговой
Jack‐jump‐up‐and‐kiss‐me анютны глазки; фиалка трёхцветная