English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word doglike

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 In the lead were five dogs, straining at their leashes, digging their paws into the sparsely grassed dirt, slipping now and then.
🔗 Then there is the corruption that experts say has dogged the Russian military for years.
(alike; similar; allied)
(appreciate; enjoy; love; prize; care)
🔗 And you wouldn’t like that?
(as; such as; for; the way)
🔗 T’sais’ face was like marble.

dog acosar; perro; perseguir
like a semejanza de; afín; arrostrar; como; del mismo modo que; del mismo nombre; gustar de; gusto; parecido; parecido a; preferencia; prójimo; que; querer; semejante; semejante a

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