English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word flowering

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Potato plant flowering is a normal occurrence, but the flowers usually just dry up and fall off rather than producing fruit.
Chinese flowering quince
(Chinese quince)
membrillo de flor
flowering quince
(Chinese quince; Chinese flowering quince)
membrillo de flor
flowering raspberry
(purple‐flowered raspberry; Virginia raspberry)
zarza de olor
zarza purpúrea
odora rubuso
flowering tobacco
(woodland tobacco; South American tobacco)
floración de tabaco
tabaco del bosque
tabaco de Sudamérica
Japanese flowering quince
(Maule’s quince)
membrillo japonés
(bloom; blossom)
🔗 Many deciduous trees flower before the new leaves emerge.

Chinese flowering quince membrillo de flor
flowering raspberry zarza de olor; zarza purpúrea
flowering tobacco tabaco del bosque; floración de tabaco; tabaco de Sudamérica
Japanese flowering quince membrillo japonés
flower flor; florear; florecer