English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word health

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(cure; remedy; make well)
(recover; get better)
🔗 The mayor offered it already, but Nynaeve said the hurt folk would heal better if there weren’t so many of them together.
your health!
(cheers; good health)
a su salud
je via sano!
(well; wholesome)

health salud
be in good health estas bien de salud
be in poor health estar mal de salud
board of health junta de sanidad
drink to the health of beber a la salud de; beber por la salud de
health insurance seguro de enfermedad
ill health mala salud
to your health a su salud
heal curar; sanar; cicatrizar; remediar; cicatrizarse; remediarse
healthful saludable; sano
healthy sano; saludable; alentado