English–Thai dictionary

Thai translation of the English word what about …?

English → Thai
EnglishThai (translated indirectly)Esperanto
what about …?
kiel estas pri …?
(concerning; for; of; over; regarding; after; on; with; upon; in; as to; into; toward)
🔗 I have a bad feeling about this.
(approximately; some; around; roughly; circa)
; ;
🔗 The US and Western officials now estimate that about 200,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded in battle.
(close; near; nearby; nigh)
(toward; around);
🔗 It completes three rotations about its axis for every two orbits.
🔗 What’ll we do?
🔗 What name shall I announce?
(what kind of; what sort of; what manner of)
🔗 What difference does that make?

what about …? ล่ะ
about ราว; ราวๆ; ประมาณ; เกี่ยวกับ
what กระไร; อะไร