English–Turkish dictionary

Turkish translation of the English word capercaillie

English → Turkish
EnglishTurkish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(western capercaille; Eurasian capercaille; wood grouse; heather cock; cock of the woods; cock of the wood)
batı kapari tavuğu
(capercaillie; western capercaille; wood grouse; heather cock; cock of the woods; cock of the wood)
batı kapari tavuğu
(capercaillie; Eurasian capercaille; wood grouse; heather cock; cock of the woods; cock of the wood)
batı kapari tavuğu

capercaillie batı kapari tavuğu
Eurasian capercaille batı kapari tavuğu
western capercaille batı kapari tavuğu