English–Turkish dictionary

Turkish translation of the English word come

English → Turkish
EnglishTurkish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 I came to be alone.
come to a halt
(halt; stop; stall; come to rest; come to a standstill)
(end; end up; expire; conclude; finish; draw to a close; draw to an end)
🔗 On Thursday afternoon the summit came to an abrupt and humiliating end for the North Koreans.
(pansy; heart’s‐ease; heart’s delight; tickle‐my‐fancy; Jack‐jump‐up‐and‐kiss‐me; three faces in a hood; love‐in‐idleness; wild pansy)
hercai menekşe

come gelmek
come down alçalmak
come in buyurun
come out çıkmak
come to an end bitmek
come‐and‐cuddle‐me hercai menekşe
coming gelecek; gelen; varış
forthcoming gelecek