English–Turkish dictionary

Turkish translation of the English word fir

English → Turkish
EnglishTurkish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(silver‐fir; fir‐tree)
🔗 In addition to being directly affected by warming, spruce and fir might also struggle to compete for sunlight and water with neighbouring trees and plants as climate changes.
Cilician fir
(Taurus fir)
Toros göknarı
(white fir; Colorado white fir; concolor fir)
gümüş göknar
(white fir; Colorado fir; concolor fir)
gümüş göknar
(white fir; Colorado fir; Colorado white fir)
gümüş göknar
Korean fir
Kore göknarı
Spanish fir
İspanya göknarı
Taurus fir
(Cilician fir)
Toros göknarı
(Colorado fir; Colorado white fir; concolor fir)
gümüş göknar
(fir; silver‐fir)
🔗 Now I come to the fringe of a plantation of spruce‐fir some thirty years old.

fir çam; köknar
Cilician fir Toros göknarı
Colorado fir gümüş göknar
Colorado white fir gümüş göknar
common silver fir orta Avrupa göknarı
concolor fir gümüş göknar
European silver fir orta Avrupa göknarı
Korean fir Kore göknarı
Spanish fir İspanya göknarı
Taurus fir Toros göknarı
white fir gümüş göknar
spruce‐fir ladin