English–Turkish dictionary

Turkish translation of the English word pay

English → Turkish
EnglishTurkish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(salary; wage; wages; remuneration; stipend)
(pay attention to; heed; watch out; mind; be attentive; be attentive to; take notice of)
🔗 Pay attention, men.
(pay attention; heed; watch out; mind; be attentive; be attentive to; take notice of)
🔗 But you may not have paid much attention to the chaos gripping Venezuela.

pay maaş; ödemek; ücret; vermek
pay attention aldırmak
pay no attention to aldınş etmemek
payment ödeme
payroll bordro; ücret bordrosu
repay borç ödemek; telafi etmek