English–Turkish dictionary

Turkish translation of the English word stonecrop

English → Turkish
EnglishTurkish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
biting stonecrop
(wall‐pepper; goldmoss stonecrop; mossy stonecrop; goldmoss sedum; wallpepper)
acı damkoruğu
goldmoss stonecrop
(biting stonecrop; wall‐pepper; mossy stonecrop; goldmoss sedum; wallpepper)
acı damkoruğu
mossy stonecrop
(biting stonecrop; wall‐pepper; goldmoss stonecrop; goldmoss sedum; wallpepper)
acı damkoruğu

biting stonecrop acı damkoruğu
goldmoss stonecrop acı damkoruğu
mossy stonecrop acı damkoruğu
crop ekin; mahsul
stone kıymetli taş; taş; çekirdek

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