English–Welsh dictionary

Welsh translation of the English word apple

English → Welsh
EnglishWelsh (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Tom’s mouth watered for the apple, but he stuck to his work.
apple mint
(woolly mint; round‐leaved mint)
mintys deilgrwn
rondfolia mento
earth apple
(Jerusalem artichoke; sunchoke; sunroot)
blodyn‐yr‐haul oddfog
🔗 I haven’t seen you look like that since Cenn Buie caught you and Mat up in his apple‐trees when you were ten.
(aubergine; egg‐fruit; egg‐plant)
planhigyn ŵy

apple afal
apple mint mintys deilgrwn
apple of the eye cannwyll llygad
crab apple afal crabas; afal sur
earth apple blodyn‐yr‐haul oddfog
apple‐tree afallen
mad‐apple planhigyn ŵy