English–Welsh dictionary

Welsh translation of the English word earth

English → Welsh
EnglishWelsh (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(land; ground)
earth apple
(Jerusalem artichoke; sunchoke; sunroot)
blodyn‐yr‐haul oddfog
earth smoke
(common fumitory; drug fumitory)
mwg‐y‐ddaear cyffredin
(quake; temblor)
(common self‐heal; heal‐all; carpenter’s herb; brownwort; blue curls; woundwort)
y feddyges las

earth daear; daearu; daer; pridd; priddo
earth apple blodyn‐yr‐haul oddfog
earth smoke mwg‐y‐ddaear cyffredin
earthly ar wyneb daear; daearol
earthquake daeargryn
earthy daearol
heart‐of‐the‐earth y feddyges las