English–Welsh dictionary

Welsh translation of the English word sorrel

English → Welsh
EnglishWelsh (translated indirectly)Esperanto
Bermuda sorrel
(Bermuda buttercup; African wood‐sorrel; buttercup oxalis; Cape sorrel; goat’s‐foot; soursop; English weed)
suran felen Bermuda
kapropieda oksalido
buckler sorrel
(French sorrel; shield‐leaf sorrel)
suran Ffrainc
Cape sorrel
(Bermuda buttercup; African wood‐sorrel; Bermuda sorrel; buttercup oxalis; goat’s‐foot; soursop; English weed)
suran felen Bermuda
kapropieda oksalido
French sorrel
(buckler sorrel; shield‐leaf sorrel)
suran Ffrainc
procumbent yellow sorrel
(creeping wood‐sorrel; sleeping beauty)
suran orweddol
shield‐leaf sorrel
(French sorrel; buckler sorrel)
suran Ffrainc
upright yellow sorrel
(yellow wood‐sorrel; common yellow wood‐sorrel; upright yellow wood‐sorrel; erect wood‐sorrel; common yellow oxalis; lemon clover)
suran felen unionsyth
(common wood‐sorrel)
suran y coed
🔗 It is the wood‐sorrel, tenderest and loveliest of wood plants.

sorrel suran; tafolen
Bermuda sorrel suran felen Bermuda
buckler sorrel suran Ffrainc
Cape sorrel suran felen Bermuda
French sorrel suran Ffrainc
procumbent yellow sorrel suran orweddol
shield‐leaf sorrel suran Ffrainc
upright yellow sorrel suran felen unionsyth
wood‐sorrel suran y coed