English–Welsh dictionary

Welsh translation of the English word stonecrop

English → Welsh
EnglishWelsh (translated indirectly)Esperanto
biting stonecrop
(wall‐pepper; goldmoss stonecrop; mossy stonecrop; goldmoss sedum; wallpepper)
briweg boeth
blue stonecrop
(reflexed stonecrop; Jenny’s stonecrop; stone orpine; prick‐madam)
briweg felen
Corsican stonecrop
(thick‐leaved stonecrop)
briweg dewddail
dikfolia sedo
English stonecrop
briweg y cerrig
angla sedo
goldmoss stonecrop
(biting stonecrop; wall‐pepper; mossy stonecrop; goldmoss sedum; wallpepper)
briweg boeth
Jenny’s stonecrop
(reflexed stonecrop; blue stonecrop; stone orpine; prick‐madam)
briweg felen
mossy stonecrop
(biting stonecrop; wall‐pepper; goldmoss stonecrop; goldmoss sedum; wallpepper)
briweg boeth
reflexed stonecrop
(Jenny’s stonecrop; blue stonecrop; stone orpine; prick‐madam)
briweg felen
thick‐leaved stonecrop
(Corsican stonecrop)
briweg dewddail
dikfolia sedo
white stonecrop
briweg wen
blanka sedo
🔗 A stone, coming from nowhere, crashed into the ground at his feet.

stonecrop briweg
biting stonecrop briweg boeth
blue stonecrop briweg felen
Corsican stonecrop briweg dewddail
English stonecrop briweg y cerrig
goldmoss stonecrop briweg boeth
Jenny’s stonecrop briweg felen
mossy stonecrop briweg boeth
reflexed stonecrop briweg felen
thick‐leaved stonecrop briweg dewddail
white stonecrop briweg wen
crop cnwd; cnydio; crombil; cynnyrch; tocio; torri
stone caregan; caregu; carreg; llabyddio; maen