French–English dictionary

English translation of the French word champ

French → English
FrenchEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
arable land
ail des champs
(ail des jardins)
field garlic
bleuet des champs
buglosse des champs
small bugloss
annual bugloss
céraiste des champs
field mouse‐ear
field chickweed
cirse des champs
creeping thistle
prickly thistle
small‐flowered thistle
gagée des champs
hairy star of Bethlehem
grenouille des champs
(grenouille oxyrhine)
moor frog
liseron des champs
field bindweed
menthe des champs
field mint
wild mint
corn mint
mouron des champs
(mouron rouge)
scarlet pimpernel
red pimpernel
red chickweed
poor man’s barometer
poor man’s weather‐glass
shepherd’s weather‐glass
shepherd’s clock
muflier des champs
(muflier rubicond; tête‐de‐mort)
weasel’s snout
linear‐leaf snapdragon
lesser snapdragon
calf’s snout
corn snapdragon
pensée des champs
field pansy
kampa violo
renoncule des champs
corn buttercup
scratch burr
scabieuse des champs
(herbe piment; sournette blanche)
gallant soldier
potato weed
souci des champs
(souci sauvage)
field marigold
véronique des champs
wall speedwell
corn speedwell
common speedwell
rock speedwell
field speedwell

champ area
ail des champs field garlic
bleuet des champs cornflower; bluebottle; boutonnière flower; hurtsickle; cyani flower; bachelor’s buttons
buglosse des champs small bugloss; annual bugloss
céraiste des champs field chickweed; field mouse‐ear
champ de pommiers apple orchard
cirse des champs California thistle; Canada thistle; Canadian thistle; corn thistle; creeping thistle; cursed thistle; field thistle; green thistle; hard thistle; lettuce from hell thistle; perennial thistle; prickly thistle; small‐flowered thistle
gagée des champs hairy star of Bethlehem
grenouille des champs moor frog
liseron des champs field bindweed
menthe des champs field mint; wild mint; corn mint
mouron des champs poor man’s barometer; poor man’s weather‐glass; red chickweed; red pimpernel; scarlet pimpernel; shepherd’s clock; shepherd’s weather‐glass
muflier des champs calf’s snout; corn snapdragon; lesser snapdragon; linear‐leaf snapdragon; weasel’s snout
pensée des champs field pansy
renoncule des champs corn buttercup; devil‐on‐all‐sides; scratch burr
scabieuse des champs galinsoga; gallant soldier; potato weed
souci des champs field marigold; wild marigold
véronique des champs common speedwell; corn speedwell; field speedwell; rock speedwell; wall speedwell