French–English dictionary

English translation of the French word figuier

French → English
FrenchEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
figuier caque
(plaqueminier du Japon; plaqueminier kaki)
Oriental persimmon
Chinese persimmon
Japanese persimmon
figuier de Barbarie
Indian fig opuntia
Barbary fig
cactus pear
figuier des Hottentots
(croc de sorcière; doigt de fée; doigt de sorcière; ficoïde comestible; griffe de sorcière)
Hottentot’s fig
highway ice plant

figuier caque Chinese persimmon; Japanese persimmon; kaki; Oriental persimmon
figuier de Barbarie Indian fig opuntia; Barbary fig; cactus pear; prickly pear; nopal
figuier des Hottentots Hottentot‐fig; Hottentot’s fig; ice plant; highway ice plant; pigface; sour fig