French–English dictionary

English translation of the French word tabac

French → English
FrenchEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(tabac cultivé)
tobacco plant
grand tabac
(tabac; tabac cultivé)
tobacco plant
tabac ailé
(tabac d’ornement)
winged tobacco
jasmine tobacco
sweet tobacco
tabac cultivé
tobacco plant
tabac d’ornement
(tabac ailé)
winged tobacco
jasmine tobacco
sweet tobacco
tabac géant
(tabac sylvatique; tabac sylvestre)
woodland tobacco
flowering tobacco
South American tobacco
tabac sylvatique
(tabac géant; tabac sylvestre)
woodland tobacco
flowering tobacco
South American tobacco
tabac sylvestre
(tabac géant; tabac sylvatique)
woodland tobacco
flowering tobacco
South American tobacco

tabac tobacco; tobacco plant
grand tabac tobacco; tobacco plant
tabac ailé jasmine tobacco; Persian tobacco; sweet tobacco; winged tobacco
tabac cultivé tobacco; tobacco plant
tabac d’ornement jasmine tobacco; Persian tobacco; sweet tobacco; winged tobacco
tabac géant flowering tobacco; South American tobacco; woodland tobacco
tabac sylvatique flowering tobacco; South American tobacco; woodland tobacco
tabac sylvestre flowering tobacco; South American tobacco; woodland tobacco