French–English dictionary

English translation of the French word thuya

French → English
FrenchEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
thuya de Chine
(arbre de vie; thuya d’Orient)
Chinese thuja
Oriental arbor‐vitae
Chinese arbor‐vitae
Oriental thuja
thuya d’Orient
(arbre de vie; thuya de Chine)
Chinese thuja
Oriental arbor‐vitae
Chinese arbor‐vitae
Oriental thuja
thuya du Canada
(thuya occidental)
white cedar
eastern white cedar
eastern arbor‐vitae
; ;
false white cedar
American arbor‐vitae
okcidenta tujo
thuya géant
(cèdre de l’Ouest)
giant arbor‐vitae
giant cedar
Pacific red cedar
western arbor‐vitae
western red cedar
thuya occidental
(thuya du Canada)
white cedar
eastern white cedar
eastern arbor‐vitae
; ;
false white cedar
American arbor‐vitae
okcidenta tujo

thuya arbor‐vitae; thuja
thuya de Chine Chinese arbor‐vitae; Chinese thuja; Oriental arbor‐vitae; Oriental thuja
thuya d’Orient Chinese arbor‐vitae; Chinese thuja; Oriental arbor‐vitae; Oriental thuja
thuya du Canada American arbor‐vitae; arbor‐vitae; eastern arbor‐vitae; eastern white cedar; false white cedar; northern white cedar; swamp‐cedar; white cedar; yellow cedar
thuya géant giant arbor‐vitae; giant cedar; Pacific red cedar; shinglewood; western arbor‐vitae; western red cedar
thuya occidental American arbor‐vitae; arbor‐vitae; eastern arbor‐vitae; eastern white cedar; false white cedar; northern white cedar; swamp‐cedar; white cedar; yellow cedar