Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word arbóreo

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
avellano arbóreo
(avellano mediterranéo; avellano turco)
Turkish hazel
Turkish filbert
turka korilo
buxo arbóreo
(boj; boj común)
common box
European box
hiedra arbórea
(hiedra común; hiedra)
common ivy
European ivy
malva arbórea
(malva real; malva loca)
common hollyhock
malvavisco arbóreo
(altea; avispa; granado blanco; malva real de Sevilla; rosa de Siria)
rose of Sharon
rose mallow

avellano arbóreo Turkish filbert; Turkish hazel
buxo arbóreo common box; European box; boxwood
hiedra arbórea common ivy; English ivy; European ivy; ivy
malva arbórea hollyhock; common hollyhock
malvavisco arbóreo rose mallow; rose of Sharon

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