Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word burrero

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
cardo burrero
(cardo cunidor)
creeping thistle
prickly thistle
small‐flowered thistle
cardo burrero
(cardencha; cardo de abalorio; cardo borrical; cardo borriqueño; cardo burreño; cardo burriquero; cardo común; cardo gochero; cardo hormiguero; cardo lechar; cardo silvestre; carroncha)
spear thistle
bull thistle
common thistle
cardo burrero
(acanos; acanto bastardo; acanto salvaje; armado de espinas; alcachofa borriquera; alcachofa ruda; alcachofa salvaje; alcachofas borriqueñas; alcachofas silvestres; anacarnina; anasarina; atoba; cardencha; cardillo; cardincha; cardo; cardo borriquero; cardo borriqueño; cardo burral; cardo burreño; cardo burricón; cardo burriquero; cardo de burro; cardo del cuajo; cardo del queso; cardo ruso; cardo timonero; cardo yesquero; cardo‐toba; cardoncha; carnina; encinas de Tierra de Campos; espina blanca; manta de Judas; ruso; toas; toba; tobas; yesquero)
cotton thistle
Scotch thistle
Scottish thistle
perejil burrero
(anís silvestre; hinojo)

cardo burrero bull thistle; California thistle; Canada thistle; Canadian thistle; common thistle; corn thistle; cotton thistle; creeping thistle; cursed thistle; field thistle; green thistle; hard thistle; lettuce from hell thistle; perennial thistle; prickly thistle; Scotch thistle; Scottish thistle; small‐flowered thistle; spear thistle
perejil burrero fennel

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