Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word cormorán

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
cormorán africano
reed cormorant
long‐tailed cormorant
cormorán grande
(cormorán negro; gran cormorán)
great cormorant
cormorán negro
(cormorán grande; gran cormorán)
great cormorant
cormorán pigmeo
pygmy cormorant
gran cormorán
(cormorán grande; cormorán negro)
great cormorant

cormorán cormorant; sea crow; shag
cormorán africano long‐tailed cormorant; reed cormorant
cormorán grande great cormorant; great black cormorant; large cormorant; black cormorant; black shag
cormorán negro great cormorant; great black cormorant; large cormorant; black cormorant; black shag
cormorán pigmeo pygmy cormorant
gran cormorán great cormorant; great black cormorant; large cormorant; black cormorant; black shag