Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word dardo

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
punta de dardo
(campanilla de enredadera; campanilla de los cercados; campanilla blanca; campanilla mayor; campanillas de los cercados; carrigüela ancha; convólvulo; corregüela mayor; correhuela de cercas; correhuela mayor; corrigüela mayor; corrihuela; enredadera de agua; enredadera con orejas; hiedra campana; hiedra campanilla; soga de árboles; voluble mayor)
larger bindweed
hedge bindweed
Rutland beauty
bugle vine
heavenly trumpets

dardo dart; shaft
punta de dardo larger bindweed; hedge bindweed; Rutland beauty; bugle vine; heavenly trumpets; bellbind; granny‐pop‐out‐of‐bed