Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word pericón amarillo

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
pericón amarillo
(hipérico; hipericón; corazoncillo; hierba de San Juan; hierba de las machacauras)
perforate Saint John’s‐wort
sweet‐scented marigold
Mexican mint marigold
Mexican tarragon
sweet mace
Texas tarragon
Mexican marigold
(espino albar; espino blanco; majuelo)
common hawthorn
single‐seeded hawthorn
(hipérico; hipericón; corazoncillo; hierba de San Juan; hierba de las machacauras)
perforate Saint John’s‐wort
(hipérico; hipericón)
Saint John’s‐wort

pericón amarillo perforate Saint John’s‐wort
pericón common hawthorn; single‐seeded hawthorn; perforate Saint John’s‐wort; hypericum; Saint John’s‐wort; Mexican marigold; Mexican mint marigold; Mexican tarragon; sweet mace; sweet‐scented marigold; Texas tarragon