Dictionnaire anglais–français

Traduction française du mot anglais anticipation

anglais → français
anglaisfrançais (traduit indirectement)espéranto
🔗 The demands for him to speak grew louder, but Fain waited, fiddling with small tasks about the driver’s seat, for the crowd and the anticipation to reach the size he wanted.
(think ahead; expect)
🔗 Russia has urged people in occupied Cherson to flee for their lives ahead of an anticipated Ukrainian push to recapture the southern city.
(forestall; precede)

anticipate aller au‐devant de; anticiper sur; escompter; prévoir; s’attendre à; savourer à l’avance; souffrir à l’avance
in anticipation par anticipation
in anticipation of en prévision de
with growing anticipation avec une impatience grandissante