Dictionnaire anglais–français

Traduction française du mot anglais for all I know

anglais → français
anglaisfrançais (traduit indirectement)espéranto
(every kind of)
(altogether; everything)
🔗 I hope that’s all.
(all of it; the whole quantity; the full amount; everything)
toutes les fois
(all the)
🔗 We all deserve a pardon.
(at all; entirely; quite; wholly; absolutely; altogether; utterly; starkly)
🔗 And after a week of huge losses on the battlefield, this must worry the man who once believed his war would all be over in a few days.
(at the rate of; a; per; an; at; each; for; apiece);
à raison de
(all of)
🔗 Tolkien made all these terms up.
(in order to; to; a; on behalf of; in behalf of);
🔗 There’s a reason for that.
(because of; for sake of; on account of; owing to; through; at; for the sake of; from; in favour of; due to; in; by reason of; in the light of)
à cause de
🔗 She sighed and smiled a wan smile for the folly of her fancies.
(as; because; ’cause)
attendu que
; ; ;
parce que
vu que
🔗 I shall go first, for I am accustomed to this sort of climbing.
(toward; towards; to; at);
🔗 Run for the cellar!
(at the rate of; a; per; an; at; each; all; apiece)
(about; concerning; of; over; regarding; after; on; with; upon; in; as to; into; toward)
au sujet de
; ;
(across from; against; in exchange for; opposed to; versus; with; opposite; contra; on; from)
en face de
🔗 The bark is prescribed for fevers, the fruits for dysentery, and the seeds for" gum disease.
(as; like; such as; the way);
🔗 Then he would know that it would be better to have me for a friend than for an enemy.

for all I know autant que je sache
all le tout; tous; tout; tout à fait
for pour; à