Dictionnaire anglais–français

Traduction française du mot anglais touch‐me‐not

anglais → français
anglaisfrançais (traduit indirectement)espéranto
(snapweed; balsam; impatiens; jewelweed; noli‐me‐tangere)
(spotted snapweed; garden balsam; rose balsam; garden jewelweed)
balsamine des jardins
(touch‐me‐not balsam; yellow balsam; jewelweed; wild balsam; Western touch‐me‐not)
balsamine des bois
impatiente ne‐me‐touchez‐pas
flava balzamino
(sensitive plant; sleepy plant; shameplant; shy plant; humble plant)
mimosa pudique
Balfour’s touch‐me‐not
(Kashmir balsam)
balsamine de Balfour
impatiente de Balfour
kaŝmira balzamino
Indian touch‐me‐not
(Himalayan balsam; policeman’s helmet; ornamental jewelweed)
balsamine de l’Himalaya
balsamine glanduleuse
impatiente de l’Himalaya
impatiente glanduleuse
pale touch‐me‐not
(pale jewelweed; yellow jewelweed)
impatiente pâle
small‐flowered touch‐me‐not
(small balsam)
balsamine à petites fleurs
impatiente à petites fleurs
malgrandflora balzamino
spotted touch‐me‐not
(orange jewelweed; common jewelweed; spotted jewelweed; orange balsam)
impatiente du Cap
touch‐me‐not balsam
(touch‐me‐not; yellow balsam; jewelweed; wild balsam; Western touch‐me‐not)
balsamine des bois
impatiente ne‐me‐touchez‐pas
flava balzamino
Western touch‐me‐not
(touch‐me‐not balsam; touch‐me‐not; yellow balsam; jewelweed; wild balsam)
impatiente ne‐me‐touchez‐pas
flava balzamino
(affect; abut; abut on)
🔗 Now I will touch you.
(feel; grope; finger)
🔗 She touched a lock.
(fuse; wick)
🔗 But rather than mark the start of a new epochal conflict, the speech instead laid bare the extent to which the Russian president has lost touch with reality.

touch‐me‐not balsamine; balsamine des bois; balsamine des jardins; herbe mam’zelle; honteuse femelle; impatiente; impatiente ne‐me‐touchez‐pas; Marie‐honte; mimosa pudique; sensitive; trompe la mort
Balfour’s touch‐me‐not balsamine de Balfour; impatiente de Balfour
Indian touch‐me‐not balsamine de l’Himalaya; balsamine glanduleuse; impatiente de l’Himalaya; impatiente glanduleuse
pale touch‐me‐not impatiente pâle
small‐flowered touch‐me‐not balsamine à petites fleurs; impatiente à petites fleurs
spotted touch‐me‐not impatiente du Cap
touch‐me‐not balsam balsamine des bois; impatiente ne‐me‐touchez‐pas
Western touch‐me‐not impatiente ne‐me‐touchez‐pas
touch toucher