Englisch–Deutsches Wörterbuch

Deutsche Übersetzung des englischen Wortes heavyweight

Englisch → Deutsch
EnglischDeutsch (indirekt übersetzt)Esperanto
(burdensome; onerous; weighty; stodgy; ponderous)
🔗 An adult was no heavier than a present‐day hen.
(mass; massive)
(challenging; exacting; formidable; hard; tough; arduous)
(severe; hard)
🔗 Heavy fighting continues there, with Russian and Russian‐backed separatist forces encircling the city of some 400,000 people on three sides.
🔗 The weight of the litter, so little at the start, now tried to pull him to the ground.
(concern; importance; seriousness; significance; moment; import; consequence)
🔗 I regret that you fail to discern in me that prudence to which you attach so much weight.
(burden; charge; load; batch)
🔗 Perrin always kept his eyes down these days, and his shoulders sagged as if he carried a weight too heavy even for their width.

heavyweight Schwergewicht
heavy massiv; schwer; schwer verdaulich; stark
weight Ballast; Belastung; Druck; Gewicht; Schwere