Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord nood‐

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 Dit volg na Trudeau reeds verlede week ’n noodtoestand in die land afgekondig het.

nood destitution; distress; emergency; exigence; exigency; famine; necessity; need; pinch; push; shortage
nood‐ improvised
as die nood aan die man kom if the worst comes to the worst
in die nood leer ’n mens jou vriende ken a friend in need is a friend indeed
in geval van nood in case of emergency; if need be; at a push; when it comes to the push
in nood in distress
nood breekt wet necessity knows no law
nood leer bid necessity is the mother of invention
uit nood from necessity; perforce
van die nood ’n deug maak make a virtue of necessity
asemnood dyspnoea
barensnood travail
desnoods as need be
hongersnood famine; dearth; starvation
noodberig distress‐communication
noodbrug temporary bridge
nooddeur emergency door; escape‐door; fire‐exit
nooddwang compulsion; urgent need
noodgedwonge upon compulsion; under compulsion; perforce; willy‐nilly
noodgeld emergency money
noodgeval emergency
noodhalthouding emergency halt
noodhulp first aid; emergency man; subsidiary; occasional help; palliative; stopgap
noodketting check‐chain; safety‐chain
noodkoord communication‐cord
noodkoppeling emergency coupling
noodkreet cry of alarm
noodlanding emergency landing; forced landing
noodleer accommodation ladder; emergency ladder; escape‐ladder
noodleuen white lie
noodlot doom; destiny; fatality; fate; weird; kismet
noodlughawe emergency airport
noodluik escape hatch
noodlydend distressed; necessitous
noodmaatreëls emergency measures
noodmars forced march
noodmas jury‐mast
noodploeg emergency squad
noodrantsoen emergency rations; iron rations
noodregulasies emergency regulations
noodrem communication‐cord; emergency‐brake; safety‐brake
noodring ferrule
noodroer jury‐rudder
noodsein signal of distress; distress signal; waft
noodskakelaar emergency switch
noodskoot distress‐gun
noodskop fly‐kick
noodsloot flood‐ditch
noodstok niblick
noodtenk emergency tank
noodtoestand state of emergency
noodtrap fire‐escape
nooduitgang emergency exit
noodverband first‐aid bandage
noodverligting emergency lighting
noodverpleging emergency nursing
noodvlag flag of distress
noodvliegveld airstrip; emergency aerodrome
noodvoor storm‐water drain
noodvoorraad emergency stock; reserve; stockpile
noodwal emergency embankment
noodwet emergency act
noodwiel fifth wheel; spare wheel
noodwoning emergency dwelling
volksnood national emergency
waternood water famine
watersnood inundation