Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord skool‐

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 Deskundiges skryf die altaar wat uniek in Noord‐Duitsland is, aan die skool van Lucas Cranach die Ouere toe.
elementary school
agricultural school
🔗 Een van die video’s is glo in ’n skoolhoof se kantoor gemaak.
school education
lerneja instruado
🔗 Von Wrangel het ook die skoolonderwys van dorpskinders op die been gebring.

skool fry; school; schoolhouse; schooling; shoal; train
skool‐ scholastic
die skool sluit school breaks up
in die skool in school
Latynse skool grammar school
mediese skool medical school
openbare skool public school
op skool at school
uit die skool klap tell tales out of school; tell tales
uit die skool klik tell tales out of school
afrondingskool finishing school
armskool charity‐school
bewaarskool crèche; kindergarten
buitelugskool open‐air school
buiteskool country school
bymekaarskool troop together
dagskool day school
dansskool dancing‐school
dorpskool town school; village school
enkelmediumskool single‐medium school
genieskool engineering school; military‐engineering school
gimnastiekskool gymnasium
glyvliegskool gliding school
handelskool business college; commercial school; mercantile school; trade school
hoërskool high school
hoëskool university
industrieskool industrial school
ingenieurskool engineering school
kavallerieskool cavalry school
kerkskool denominational school
kleinkinderskool infant school; kindergarten
kleuterskool nursery school; kindergarten
kookskool cookery‐school
korrespondensieskool correspondence school
kweekskool seminary
laerskool primary school; elementary school
landbouskool agricultural school
lenteskool refresher course
meisieskool girls’ school
musiekskool conservatoire; conservatorium; school of music
normaalskool normal school; normal college; training‐centre
nywerheidskool industrial school
oefenskool school
opleidingskool normal school
plaasskool country school; farm school
privaatskool private school; proprietary school
ruiteryskool cavalry school
ryskool manege; riding‐school
saamskool crowd together
seevaartskool naval school
seinskool signalling‐school
sendingskool mission school
seunskool boys’ school
skermskool fencing school
skietskool gunnery‐school
skolespan school team
skolier scholar; pupil
skoolarts school medical officer
skoolbank desk; form
skoolbehoeftes school requisites
skoolbiblioteek school library
skoolblad school magazine
skoolboek schoolbook; textbook
skooldag school‐day
skooldokter medical inspector of schools
skooleksamen school examination
skoolekskursie school excursion
skoolfees school function
skoolfonds school fund
skoolgaan attend school
skoolgebou school; school building; schoolhouse
skoolgeld fee; school fees; tuition; tuition‐fee
skoolhoof headmaster
skoolhou teach
skoolinspeksie school‐inspection
skoolinspekteur school‐inspector
skooljaar school year
skooljoernaal logbook
skooljuffrou schoolmistress
skoolkamer schoolroom
skoolkameraad schoolfriend
skoolkind schoolchild
skoolklere school clothes
skoolkleure school colours
skoolkommissie school‐committee
skoolkwartaal school term
skoollied school song
skoollokaal schoolroom
skoolmaat fellow student; schoolmate; school‐fellow; schoolfriend
skoolmeisie schoolgirl
skoolonderrig school‐instruction
skoolonderwys school education; school‐teaching
skoolopsiener school‐caretaker
skoolorde school discipline
skoolplaas school farm
skoolplig compulsory education
skoolraad school‐board
skoolrapport school report
skoolreis school journey
skools scholastic
skoolseun schoolboy
skoolsit detention; stay in
skoolspan school team
skooltaal school language
skooltug school discipline
skooltuin school‐garden
skooltyd school hours
skooluur school hour
skoolvak school subject
skoolvakansie school holiday
skoolversuim truancy
skoolvertrek schoolroom
skoolwerk school‐work
skoolwese education
skoolwet school regulation
skoolwysheid pedantry
Sondagskool Sunday school
staatskool government school
stadskool town school
swemskool swimming‐school
tekenskool drawing‐school
toneelskool dramatic school
tugskool truant‐school
tussenskools inter‐school
vakskool professional school; technical school; trade school
veeartsenyskool veterinary school
vliegskool aviation school; flying school
voorbereidingskool preparatory school
voorskools pre‐school
voortsettingskool continuation school