Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord teë

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
redbush tea
red tea
South African red tea

tee tea; the cup that cheers but not inebriates
teë against
fyn tee broken tea
bossiestee bush‐tea; Cape tea
bossietee Cape tea
bring‐en‐koop‐tee bring‐and‐buy‐tea
groentee green tea
pekkotee pekoe
rooibostee red‐bush tea
teëbeeld counterpart
teëbelofte counter‐promise
teëbevel counter‐order
teëbewys counterfoil
teeblaar tea leaf
teeblik tea‐caddy; tea‐canister
teëbod counter‐bid
teebus caddy
teë‐eis set‐off
teëgif theriac
teegoed tea‐things
teehandelaar tea‐dealer
teehuis tea‐house; tea‐room
teekamer tea‐room
teekan tea‐urn
teeketel tea‐kettle
teekissie tea‐chest
teekleedjie tea‐cloth
teekoek pikelet
teekoppie teacup
teelepel teaspoon
teelepeltjie teaspoon
teelood tea‐lead
teemaaltyd high tea
teemus cosy; tea‐cosy
teëparty opponent; adversary; rival
teeparty tea‐fight; bun fight; tea‐party
teepot teapot
teepouse tea‐break
teëpruttel mutter objections
teeroos tea‐rose
teeservies tea‐service
teesiffie tea‐strainer
teësit offer opposition
teeskip tea‐ship
teestalletjie tea‐stall; tea‐stand
teëstribbel resent; kick against the pricks; demur; recalcitrate
teestruik tea‐bush; tea‐shrub
teetafel tea‐table
teetafeltjie teapoy
teetuin tea‐garden
teetyd tea‐break
teewaentjie tea‐waggon
teëwerp object; refute
teëwind noser