Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord troubewys

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 Onlangse opgrawings in Kennemerland toon egter duidelike bewyse vir ’n permanente bewoning
get married
; ;
get married
; ;

troubewys marriage lines
bewys acknowledgement; approve; attestation; averment; bill; prove; receipt; certificate; circumstantiate; clew; demonstrate; demonstration; do; justify; establish; evidence; proof; evince; manifest; render; trace; verification; make good; note of hand; shadow; show; slip; substantiate; support; testimony; token; verify; voucher
trou lead to the altar; constancy; espouse; loyalty; fealty; fidelity; firm; splice; husband; leal; loyal; marry; mate; regular; solid; staunchness; staunch; take; get married; troth; true; trustiness; trustworthy; truth; unswerving; wed; wive