Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord battleground

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(scuffle; action; fight; clash; combat; fray; engagement)
🔗 This was a battle for survival.
(fight; strive; contend)
🔗 Since Saturday’s surprise assault, Israeli aircraft have been pounding Gaza targets while its ground forces have battled to retake control of border villages and towns overrun by Palestinian gunmen.
(soil; earth)
🔗 The nest of this species is on the ground.
(earth; land)
🔗 He leads an army so massive it shakes the ground with its march, so vast it drinks the rivers dry.
(reason; account; motive)
(motive; motif; motivation; theme; angle)
(run aground; run ashore; strand; grind to a halt)
🔗 The lucky half fled back downwind to Bulmer Skeme and grounded on the beach.
(grounds; terrain; lot)
🔗 Experts say armed groups have gained more ground in Mali and Burkina Faso despite the coups there and predict a similar trajectory for Niger if the régime remains in place.

battle geveg; slag; slag lewer; stryd; veg; veldslag
ground aarde; agtergrond; baseer; belet om te vlieg; bodem; bou; erf; fundeer; gemaal; geslyp; grond; grondbeginsel; grondkleur; grondslag; grondtoon; grondves; land; met die aarde verbind; ondergrond; op die grond hou; op die grond loop; op die grond sit; park; strand; te lande kom; terrein; veld; vloer

Die woord battleground kon deur ons nie in die geselekteerde doeltaal vertaal word nie.