Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord do somebody a shot in the eye

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 Use your eyes!
(hole; puncture)
(look; look at; behold; view; watch)
🔗 Several of the women eyed him sideways.
(attempt; test; bid; rehearsal; trial; try)
🔗 Aleksej Venediktov, a well‐connected editor‐in‐chief of radio station Echo of Moscow, said Katerina Tihonova, widely believed to be Putin’s youngest daughter, was the one who got the shot in early‐stage trials.

do somebody a shot in the eye iemand in ’n val laat loop; iemand ’n poets bak
eye aanskou; begluur; bekyk; beskou; dophou; gadeslaan; gat; maas; nakyk; oog; ring; sien; waarneem
shot draagwydte; dwarsdraad; filmopname; hael; hou; inslag; lopers; probeerslag; rekening; skietbereik; skiethael; skoot; skootsbereik; skroot; skut; skutter; stoot