Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord Dover

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(Strait of Dover; Dover Strait; Straits of Dover)
🔗 Since widely separated landings could not be protected, the only solution he could offer was that the landing be confined to the protectable Dover Narrows.
(common sole; black sole)
🔗 Its most popular products are Dover sole, lemon sole, cuttle‐fish and plaice—about 90% of which is exported to France, Spain, the Netherlands and Italy on its fleet of lorries.
(Strait of Dover; Straits of Dover; Dover Narrows)
(Dover Strait; Straits of Dover; Dover Narrows)
(Strait of Dover; Dover Strait; Dover Narrows)

Dover sole tong
Strait of Dover Nauw van Calais; Straat van Dover

Het woord Dover kon door ons niet in de geselecteerde doeltaal vertaald worden.