Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord aids

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 The church has hundreds of programs dedicated to fighting the aids epidemic in Africa, but its opposition to condom use in these programs has been highly controversial.
aids patient
aids virus
(HIV virus)
(assist; help; support; attend to);
🔗 Later, I thought, they might aid me.
(assist; help; benefit; attend to; advance; avail);
🔗 They will not aid us.

aids aids
aids epidemic aidsepidemie
aids patient aidslijder
aids virus aidsvirus
aid bevorderen; bijdragen tot; bijstaan; bijstand; ezelsbruggetje; financiële hulp; financiële noodhulp; helpen; helper; helpster; hulp; hulpmiddel; onderstand; steun; subsidie