Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord beat somebody to it

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(beat up; flog; thrash; whack)
(hit; strike; wallop; jab; belabour; belt)
🔗 His promiscuity ended up being his demise however after a husband caught his wife in bed with John XII and beat the pope so badly, that he died three days later from his injuries.
(curl; froth; stir; whip; whirl; whisk); ;
(lap; plash; splash; bicker); ; ; ;
(pulsate; throb)
(pulse); ;
(exceed; surpass; defeat; excel; outclass; outscore; outshine; get the best of; get the better of; cap; outmatch)
(brandish; swing; wave; wave about; wag; wield; whirl); ;
(defeat; win over; overcome; surmount; vanquish; get the better of)
🔗 If we can beat you here, we can beat you anywhere.
(flog; take a switch to; birch)
met een stok slaan
(tack; tack about; beat up against the wind)

beat somebody to it het van iemand winnen; iemand te gauw af zijn
beat afdrogen; aflopen; aftuigen; afzoeken; banen; beat; beatmuziek; beuken; braken; doodop; jachtveld; klap; klop; kloppen; kloppen op; klopping; klutsen; maat; maatslag; overtreffen; ronde; slaan; slaan met; slaan op; slag; stampen; tik; uitkloppen; uitslaan; verslaan; wijk