Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord chief rabbi

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(boss; leader; governor; head; master; prefect); ; ; ;
🔗 For their part, EU chiefs are showing signs of maximum exasperation with May and her administration.
(main; major; principal; dominant; key; peak; prime; senior; staple; premier)
🔗 The chief difficulty for the solitary student is, how to acquire fluency.
(boss; leader; headman; head; kingpin); ;
🔗 Take us to your chief.
(dominant; overwhelming; ultimate)
(main; predominant; principal)
🔗 There are suggestions the government and police may not have acted to reduce the scale of the gathering out of deference to high‐profile rabbis and politicians.

chief rabbi opperrabbijn
chief eerste; hoofd; hoofdman; hoofd‐; leider; opperhoofd; opperste; voornaamste
rabbi rabbi; rabbijn