Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord code‐name

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(secret code; cipher)
(encode; encrypt)
(law; legislation)
🔗 The new code, which also applies to foreign residents and tourists, bans cohabitation before marriage, apostasy, and provides punishments for insulting the president or expressing views counter to the national ideology.
(regulations; rules; protocol)
(encrypt; encode)
<in cijferschrift schrijven>
(appellation; denomination)
🔗 Names coming from people are limited to the deceased.
(call; dub; term)
(fame; renown; kudos; repute); ; ;
🔗 It was Dalrymple who named the strait after Torres.
🔗 There are so many that I can’t name them all.

code code; coderen; gedragslijn; geheimtaal; in code overbrengen; netnummer; regels; reglement; voorschriften; wetboek
name benaming; benoemen; dopen; naam; noemen; opnoemen; reputatie

Het woord code‐name kon door ons niet in de geselecteerde doeltaal vertaald worden.