Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord employment

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(application; use)
(application; use)
🔗 I came to Wysrod hoping for suitable employment.
employment agency
(employment exchange; labour exchange)
employment exchange
(labour exchange; employment agency)
(hire; engage);
(make use of; use; turn to account; turn to good account); ;
🔗 They are employing anti‐imperialist rhetoric to win support from the streets, but doing very little to actually further Africa’s independence and free it from the clutches of outside powers.
(make use of; utilize; turn to good account; exercise; avail oneself of)
in dienst hebben
esti dunginta
🔗 The company, which employs 200 people, has lost more than 90% of its revenue since January 1, according to head of transport David Rosie.
🔗 Unemployment will reach 30% and prices on all types of goods in the country will rise 13,000% this year, according to new figures published Thursday by the International Monetary Fund.

employment aanwending; ambt; beroep; bezigheid; emplooi; gebruik; inzet; tewerkstelling; werk; werkgelegenheid
employment ad personeelsadvertentie
employment agency bureau voor arbeidsbemiddeling; vacaturebank
employment ban beroepsverbod
employment bureau arbeidsbureau
employment contract arbeidscontract
employment exchange arbeidsbeurs; arbeidsbureau
full employment volledige werkgelegenheid
give employment to plaatsen
in employment in betrekking
out of employment zonder betrekking; zonder werk
regular employment vast werk
employ aanwenden; besteden; bezigen; bezighouden; dienst; emplooi; gebruiken; in dienst hebben; in dienst nemen; inzetten; te baat nemen; tewerkstellen; werk
misemployment misbruik
underemployment onvolledige werkgelegenheid
unemployment werkloosheid