Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord from here

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
from here
(out of; of); ;
🔗 The girl ran hastily from the chamber.
(by; of; on); ; ;
🔗 Are you hiding from us?
(according to; by; along; following; after; in accordance with; per);
(because of; for; for sake of; on account of; owing to; through; at; for the sake of; in favour of; due to; in; by reason of; in the light of); ; ;
🔗 I act only from devotion to yourself.
(ever since; since);
🔗 Russia will also limit its railway service with China from Friday, TASS reported.
(as regards; as to; concerning; relevantly; in regard to; in reference to)
🔗 Trade in goods between China and North Korea was down more than 50% in December from a year earlier, according to official Chinese data.
(across from; against; in exchange for; opposed to; versus; with; opposite; for; contra; on)
🔗 Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensʹkyj in his daily address thanked the Ukrainian soldiers defending the eastern town of Soledar from a Russian assault.
(hither; this way); ;
🔗 Why do you come here?
; ;
🔗 I don’t want you here!

from here van hier
from aan de hand van; blijkens; door; met ingang van; naar; te oordelen naar; ten gevolge van; ten opzichte van; uit; uit naam van; van; van … af; vanaf; vandaan; vanuit; voor
here alhier; hier; hierheen; hiernaartoe; hierzo; naar hier