Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord gold‐content

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(contents; substance)
🔗 Each text is followed by a small number of questions relating to the content, which the student should attempt to answer (preferably aloud) in order to ensure his understanding of the text and also to acquire some conversational practice.
(contented; pleased; satisfied; gratified; happy); ; ;
🔗 Indeed I am content with Vale Evander.
(meet with; satisfy; gratify)
tevreden stellen
; ;
(golden; auric; aurous)
🔗 The rumor began spreading Tuesday in Burma, driving up the price of gold and the US dollar there.
🔗 Duran has also sold some of the gold jewelry she bought for herself in better times.

gold‐content goudgehalte
content content; gehalte; genoegen; inhoud; tevreden; tevreden stellen; tevredenheid; tevredenstellen; vergenoegd; vergenoegen; voldaan; voldoen; voldoening
gold goud; gouden; goudgeld