Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord horn of plenty

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(hooter; klaxon);
🔗 A lawyer for Jacob Chansley, an Arizona man who wore horns, animal skin and face paint while carrying a spear and entering the Senate chamber, said Trump should do the “honourable thing and pardon those of his peaceful followers who accepted the president’s invitation”.
(abundance; richness; affluence; wealth)
🔗 I have gold in plenty.
🔗 There are plenty more American companies to be hit and other nations, especially those in Europe and Asia, could soon find themselves dragged into this conflict

horn of plenty hoorn des overvloeds
horn aanbeeldpunt; claxon; drinkhoorn; hoorn; hoornen; horen; sirene; toeter; van hoorns voorzien; voelhoorn; voelhoren
plenty erg; genoeg; overvloed; overvloedig; talrijk