Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord insurance office

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 He said most people in his neighbourhood don’t have insurance that would cover lava damage.
🔗 But some people came into Weidner’s office anyway.
(function; job; post; capacity; position); ;
🔗 May’s principal achievement in her short time in office is simply survival.
(post; capacity; job; position; station; appointment); ; ;
(ticket‐window; window; counter; box‐office; ticket‐office; hatch; wicket)
(cabinet; study)

insurance office verzekeringskantoor
insurance assurantie; verzekering
office ambt; bediening; betrekking; bureau; bureel; departement; dienst; dienstvertrek; functie; gebed; gebeden; kantoor; kerkdienst; loket; ministerie; officie; plaats; post; ritueel; spreekkamer; taak